The Yellow Creek Massacre
Chief Logan was respected by whites and Indians alike for his pacifism and generosity. So when a renegade group of frontiersmen murdered his entire family, folks were a little upset.
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More than a century later, Theodore Roosevelt would say of the Yellow Creek Massacre: “It was one of the most brutal and cowardly deeds ever done on the frontier. . . . It was an inhuman and revolting deed, which should consign the names of the perpetrators to eternal infamy.”
In 1774 Daniel and Jacob Greathouse, along with twenty other men, set out to cause trouble. They lured a group of Mingo Indians to a small trading post and plied them with liquor, and then slaughtered them all. In the war that ensued, countless more were killed. But fifteen years later, when a small Shawnee war party came upon a Greathouse party traveling down the Ohio river, revenge would come in the most grisly fashion…